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Friday, February 7, 2025

We are a comprehensive producer of plastic packages and bags, contributing to pack needs of numerous industries, especially private label cotton industry. Our 50 years experience guarantee quality, great service and complete customer satisfaction.

Our vertical integration enables us to master our production process, ensuring a total quality management from components to finished products, as well as competitiveness.

Our line of industrial products include: bags on a roll, flat bags, wicket bags, numerous types of specialty bags, and polyethylene tubing and sheeting. Our promotional bag line includes: die cut, patch, rigid and soft-loop handle plastic bags, draw string bags, and laminated bags. All of our products are available in clear or colored film, and can be printed up to 8 colors.

Our company has established a new company International Plastic OOD in Sofia Bulgaria in 2002. We have enhanced our production capacity and product variety via International Plastic OOD.

As you browse our web site we hope that the information provided is beneficial. If you require further assistance please contact us via email or at the phone numbers listed below and a member of our team will gladly help you. Thank you for considering Sendag Plastik Ltd., we look forward to working with you.

Sendag Plastik Ltd. is a company dedicated to the achievement of success as defined by our values.
We are successful when:
  • We experience carefully planned and executed physical and financial growth.
  • We achieve maximum efficiency with minimum overhead expense.
  • We make a fair profit for providing quality products and expert service to our customers.
  • Our customers enjoy doing business with us, feel they are getting value for their money, and have confidence in our ability to meet their packaging needs.
  • We are actively engaged in good causes that better our community.
  • We as a company, live by this mission statement, and all other moral values we espouse, to the point of having complete confidence in our character.

    To request a quote you may fill out contact form, phone, or fax the information to us at the numbers listed below and a member of our team will gladly help you.

    Sendag Plastik Ltd.
    Address: Akcaburgaz Mh. 1585 Sk. TEM 34 2/50 Esenyurt Istanbul / Turkey
    T.: +90 212 4220077 pbx
    F.: +90 212 4228919

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